Student Government Association
Administrative Grant of Power to the Student Government Association
The authorities of N.C. A&T State University, having confidence in the ability, character and judgment of the students and believing that participation by them in the affairs of the N.C. A&T Community will be mutually helpful and valuable, have given authority to them to organize the Student Government Association and to adopt the Constitution and by-laws. Through the structures provided by the university and subject to policies established by the responsible boards and officials of the university, students assist the faculty and administrative officers in the development of programs and policies in matters affecting academic question, student discipline and the general welfare of the A&T Community.
Our Purpose
The aims of higher education are to aid an individual in realizing his/her potential and in becoming an effective member of society. The means to this end are the independence of thought, active of awareness and participation in various academic pursuits. The individual is the center of learning. Therefore, these aims have meaning only insofar as, they relate to the individual. Whatever is done in the educational community must be evaluated in terms of the effect on the student and his/her learning process. The Student Government Association, as the representative of the student community, must be committed to these goals of higher education in order to justify its existence. To attain this purpose, the SGA must assume the following responsibilities:
- Create an atmosphere of freedom that allows the student to move beyond the limits of traditional interests by being a creative and contributing individual.
- Aid in a meaningful interpretation of the concept of the university community.
- Provide opportunities for each student to participate in activities that develop and realize potentialities.
- Create awareness of national and international affairs and of their significance for the individual.
Our History
The present SGA is an outgrowth of the Student Council of N.C. A&T, which was restructured on Sept. 30, 1935 from an earlier organization by the same name.
The stated purpose of the earlier Constitution was to develop a spirit of cooperation to afford development through self-expression, self-control, and leadership, to create a high degree of cooperation between the faculty and students in matters of constructive welfare. The Constitution of the Student Government Association was restructured and approved by the Board of Trustees in 1968, 1988 and 1996.
SGA Contact Information
Office Phone: 336-285-2545 | Fax: 336-334-7380
Instagram: @ncatsga
Twitter: @ncatsga
SGA Staff
Veronica Hairston | Assistant Director of Student Activities and SGA Advisor
Wyndon Knight | Office Manager